Friday 5 June 2020

How Mobile App Development Makes the Most of Mobility

The importance of mobile apps for enterprises is an open secret in the corporate world. As entrepreneurs witness a paradigm shift from laptop to mobile devices in recent years, some of them have already started reaping fruits of enterprise mobility. These days, many companies are either in the process to implement mobility or in touch with the mobile app development company to discuss the scope of mobility at their workplace.

As per an official report, the enterprise mobile market is expected to achieve a whopping revenue of $430 billion by 2021. From providing simple and smart services to consumers and simplifying complex processes to offering a personalized experience and increasing revenue- a proper enterprise mobility strategy can serve many business objectives effectively. Apart from this, the enterprise mobile app development solution offers the following benefits.

  • Enterprise Mobile App

• Communication advantage
Enterprise mobile app solution provides your company with an effective and real-time communication facility. Email and other desktop-based communication methods are still effective but it is necessary for the management to offer employees a facility to stay connected on the move. There, a mobile app development company lends a helping hand.

Enterprise mobility solutions can provide a chat feature, which is faster and more effective than an email. What’s more, the enterprise app also enables to share information with a group on the move. Other facilities include conference call and real-time data sharing with multiple persons.

• Real-time sharing of data
Data sharing holds a key to success for any companies irrespective of their scale and size. Real-time sharing of data can keep the employees aware of company activities and policy-related stuff. Enterprise apps provide the functionality to store the critical corporate data on the cloud that can be readily accessed as and when necessary.

Also, the data sharing and access are based on hierarchy, so any unauthorized person cannot get access to confidential data. In a way, companies can keep their data secure and quickly accessible. This is one of the major reasons why modern businesses invest in a customized mobile app development solution.

• Employee engagement
It is necessary to increase the employee’s involvement in your business operations. An enterprise-grade mobile app can help your management bring all the employees under one roof. From giving feedback to sharing information, every activity can be collaboratively managed through the business app. Also, companies can spread awareness about future plans and the outcome of current processes through a dedicated app.

In brief, the entire workforce can work in sync thereby improving coordination. In a way, the enterprise mobile app can improve relations and work culture. It directly translates into higher productivity.

When you hire experienced app developers, they can easily integrate features to make your app more interactive and engaging.

Related Reading- Enterprise Mobility Solutions- Top Tips to Get Benefits for Your Business in 2019

• Data maintenance
Mobile app development services provide excellent data maintenance capability. Management can get rid of manual and paper-based record management thanks to mobility solutions. Business apps track and keep the record of employee activities and company’s operations online. The management can fetch the data anytime and anywhere for various purposes. In a way, you can easily find the right employee.

Also, the database of your workforce can be maintained based on age, department, and languages. It enables you to get a proper resource as and when necessary through fingertips. Traditionally, it is difficult to maintain data because of diversity and complexity. Enterprise mobility solutions can filter the data and provide access to real-time data.

• Increased productivity
Thanks to more employee engagement and seamless access to corporate data, an enterprise-grade mobile app development solution can increase productivity. Integration of technological advancements in the domains of IoT, AR, and VR can make the enterprise app software a tool to learn new techniques and spread awareness about the company’s activities. Utility tools can enable the workforce to remain more organized while promoting collaboration and enhancing communication.

Altogether, enterprise mobility enables companies to meet project deadlines by increasing the efficiency of employees.

• Higher security
Mobile app development services can help companies save their valuable data in the cloud and get access anywhere. Enterprise app development process can implement AI and blockchain-based features to enhance the app’s security. In a way, companies can have more security for their confidential corporate data and they can remain protected from cyberattacks and malware attacks.

• Enhanced ROI
These benefits of enterprise mobility contribute to improving the ROI of the company. Employees can work effectively and safely anywhere using these apps and play their roles in increasing the sales figure. The app keeps them connected on the move and assists them to act faster as and when necessary.

  • Top Technology Trends to Drive Enterprise Mobility in 2020

1. Advent of 5G
From the perspectives of data sharing and data access, the arrival of 5G will bring radical changes in the process and enterprise mobility app will remain one of the biggest beneficiaries of it. Robust enterprise mobile apps will get a boost from speed and security offered by the 5G network.

2. AI Integration
The corporate world focuses on implementing AI technology in its critical processes to minimize the chances of human errors. AI can make mobility intelligent and more capable of handling repetitive and tedious tasks. What’s more, AI features will help companies analyze the user’s data of the app and enable the management to make informed decisions.

3. BYOD Implementation
Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) concept and enterprise mobility go hand in hand. In coming years, we can expect that BYOD will reduce overheads and other expenses along with the consumerization of IT. With higher productivity and scalability of operations, mobile apps for business can make BYOD more effective and object-oriented.

4. Data Security
Secure data storage, access, and sharing always remain a priority for modern enterprises. From sharing confidential and personal information to facilitating online payment, data security is essential. Enterprise mobility solutions enable companies to get secure cloud storage and safe access through features like facial recognition and other biometric methods.

5. Location-based Features
The mobile app development company can include location-based features and functionality to improve the performance of enterprise apps. Such features can enable you to provide personalized services to the customers based on their locations. You can also track the app user’s movement and improve your services on the basis of the user’s data.

Service industries can leverage the benefits of location-based features through a feature-rich app. In the coming years, as we will see the rise in on-demand services, enterprise apps will avail advantage of location-based features to provide services anywhere and anytime.

6. UEM (Unified Endpoint Management) Approach
In the year 2020 and beyond, a UEM concept will gain ground amid growing security concerns in the corporate sector. This approach refers to deploy multiple endpoints with a single, unified console. The endpoints can be devices like desktops, wearables, desktops, and tablets. Enterprise mobile app development can enable companies to implement this approach for connecting different devices securely.

Top mobile app development company with an in-house team of experienced developers can develop a customized enterprise-grade mobile app for your company. You can find the right app development partner by keeping the following aspects in mind-

• Experience of developers
• Target audience and platform
• Portfolio
• Communication facility
• NDA (Non-Disclosure Agreement or similar type of security)
• App development cost

Enterprise mobility can bring a radical change in business operations and make the enterprises highly competitive. Though mobile app development cost is higher for enterprise apps as compared to traditional mobile apps, such apps can increase productivity and ROI over the period by empowering employees with proper insights and resources. In a way, mobility assists companies to increase profits and cope with challenges.

As one of the top United States software developers, we help SMEs and startups come up with advanced mobile app solutions.Our dedicated developers have hands-on experience in using cutting-edge tools to build robust, scalable, and seamless mobility solutions. Do you want to give your enterprise a mobility advantage? Simply send us a mail at and our business consultants will reach out to you shortly.

Original Source: How Mobile App Development Makes the Most of Mobility

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