Monday 18 May 2020

7 ways small businesses can benefit from mobile apps

As a startup, uncontrollable costing stays a rigid hurdle when you wish to upscale your footprint across markets. While limited resources and about an average infrastructure can help command rising expenses, marketing was nightmare for most small scale enterprises until the mobility revolution ushered in.

Lightweight but amazingly interactive, apps have arrived for the rescue of the struggling small trader and put such brands in line with the competitive market. If understood deeply, apps could be put to productive use and capture enterprise of advertising.

Here’s why you must turn to mobile apps for enhanced customer reach.

Cost effective customer loyalty programs

Customers have been falling for discounts and lucrative deals though in different forms. Currently, loyalty programs are hugely popular and the SME businesses have propelled their customer reach via deals that let customers claim attractive gifts in exchange of the points they won after every shopping session in the past.

Loyalty programs if campaigned via apps can work in 2 ways – firstly, apps are immensely easy to manage high volume campaigns. This is a big win after a struggling decade with punch cards.

Secondly, data captured from such campaigns can be intelligently put to smart analytics use. As a small scale business, such multidimensional programs can work as cheaper alternatives to expensive analytics tools.

Geo targeted marketing & sales

Targeted Sales & Marketing was a dream as far as the doom’s day for the small businesses until location driven services revolutionized the way we perceive of the Mobility power. If you just started with a venture, Geo targeted mobile applications can help skip the tedious stretch of marketing to millions of random people and reach out to highly potential leads.

Original Source: 7 ways small businesses can benefit from mobile apps

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