Thursday 9 April 2020

Top 8 iOS App Development Trends to watch in 2016 & Beyond

No matter what new project Apple executes, the world is watching with eager eyes, hoping to get a slice of the latest and best technologies the moment it hits the market. The company revolutionised the way we interact with technologies. Its applications augmented the use of the smartphone to an extent that established its presence in our lives as an extra limb to our bodies. We have listed 8 iOS mobile app development tech trends to look out for in 2016.

1.Swift Coding

Swift broke on the coding world last year with a whole new set of coding methodologies and frameworks that were more inclusive. This programming language continues to be much talked off amongst app developers and is both and application and systems language. Built on the modern compiler infrastructure, it enables developers to write reliable codes using Xcode tools. It is currently used for developing apps for apps on iOS, WatchOS and tVOS. This trend will continue through 2016, in fact, it might be driven to become the primary tool for developing Apple apps, replacing Objective C for good. What’s more, Swift 2 has been released with more developer-friend features that are fast gaining traction amongst the developers worldwide.

2. Watch OS2

Apple Watch 2 will be launched in April this year and is expected to be the top brand in the wearable device category. The development and growth of the Watch OS2 will push the market for apps for this device dimensions to the next level. From making extensions to the existing apps for the iWatch, there will be a new scope for development, exclusively for the Apple Watch. Until last month, there were 10,000 apps available for the iWatch, this number is expected to treble within the first half of 2016.

Original Source: Latest iOS Mobile App Development Trends 2020

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