Sunday 5 April 2020

Top 6 elements of Android Material App Design

Material design is the new design language for Android and defines the visual, motion and interaction design across platforms and devices. Google has a material design specification that offers guidelines for using material design for app development on the platform. These can be used on Android 5.0 lollipop version on-wards. We discuss 6 elements of material design for Android apps development.
Android Material Design icons

1. Material theme –

It is the interface style that establishes the look and feel of views and activities. This element is built into the Lollipop and is used by the system UI and applications. The user can dynamically set the system-wide appearance with this element from their Settings menu. There are 3 flavours of Material Theme :
  • Theme.Material
  • Theme.Material.Light
  • Theme.Material.Light.DarkActionBar
Original Source: Android Material App Design

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