Monday, 6 April 2020

Handful Guide to Develop Real Time Location Mobile Apps Using iBeacons

Location mapping has become a common smartphone feature and many applications and websites ask permission to access the user’s location for providing a better service. Apple’s iBeacon is a specification for Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) that transmits signal containing a UUID to identify an iBeacon and its distance from it.

Hyperlocal with iBeacon

iBeacon is the best in Beacons broadcasting and Apple will monitor for beacons if the app is not running. With iBeacon, developers can create a more compelling reason for users to turn on their Bluetooth and grant location access. Since it is battery efficient, app users may not be averse to granting location access, which makes compelling case pro iBeacon integration. Thus, with iBeacon it will be easier for marketers to go Hyperlocal.

Developing Real-time mobile apps using iBeacon

iOS has iBeacon API which can be used for Android and other devices that support BLE. For open platforms such as PhoneGap, iBeacon plug-ins is available. Apple has set certain restrictions on how the APIs can be used on iOS platform, but these restrictions do not apply to other platforms. For an existing app, iBeacon can be easily integrated at very little additional cost using the iBeacon API.

There are two types of tracking that are used for beacons –

  • > Start monitoring for region – tracks entry and exit of regions and monitoring is done in spite of app being in foreground or background.
  • > Start ranging beacons in region – in this case feature only works when app is foreground, though it has a fast update rate with proximity information.

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