Thursday 2 April 2020

8 Things to Explore for Awesome Wearable App Development

Enterprise mobility is a summation of wearable devices and related technology and mobile applications that are slowly transforming the equations and interactions of work in enterprises. The mobile applications for wearable applications is an extension of the mobile Android or iOS app. However, it is further condensed to integrate it with the wearable device ecosystem. Our app development team’s  ideation and research has led us to identify these 8 factors which must be explored to develop a perfect wearable app.
1. Create a Use Case: Draft a set of questions identifying the relevance from the wearable context. From this you can identify the best available wearable hardware, API/SDK, development frameworks/ platform and other measures for app development.
2. Choose a Correct Platform and API: There are several tools and API available in the market like AndroidSalesforceApple. It is essential to choose the correct platform  based on requirement. Instead of having multiple versions for different devices, end users like to have one single app that is compatible with every device and with quick response. The more cross-platform capability and compatibility a wearable app has; the better possibility of its success.
3. Design and User Interface: As the wearable device is small in size, it is challenging to implement several feature sets with limited physical space. Design and User interface of the app is also a big factor as the users interacts with wearable gadgets in different manner from smart phones, tablets and other devices. While developing the app, designers focus should be towards streamlined end user experience with limited physical visible space.

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