Tuesday 31 March 2020

Top 7 Technology Updates and Trends in IT Industry

In the ever-changing world of software development; it is important to keep updated with the current technology, methodologies, frameworks and upcoming trends. Selective updates about new technology to learn causes us to miss important trends. We have created a comprehensive list of technologies and technological trends that signify potential and a major change in the future markets. Some of the points may be considered to be old, but they play a dominant role in defining future trends.

  • 1. Rise of swift: 
Data from a recent survey shows Apple’s Swift is now most-loved language among developers. Almost immediately following Swift’s release to the programming world, it enjoyed over 11 million downloads.
In less than a year, swift programming language has received huge acceptance and become one of software developers’ favorite tools. Swift is featured in apps from numerous well-known brands including American Airlines and LinkedIn. Keeping this rising new technology in mind, we have already developed many projects based on new Swift and our developers are ready to strike the Swift market.
  • 2. Document-oriented database “NoSQL”:
The term “NoSQL database” has been gaining popularity in the IT industry recently. The world’s data is doubling every two years. This epic increase in Big Data has highlighted new methods for addressing the volume and variety of structured and unstructured data. In recent discussions based on database, one of the terms frequently heard about is “NoSQL.”  Today, non-relational, “cloud,” or “NoSQL” databases are gaining mindshare as an alternative model for database management. Trending technologies following the concept of NoSQL are MongoDB, Hadoop, CouchDB. These are generally called ‘document-oriented database’

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