Wednesday 4 March 2020

Flutter vs. Swift- How to Choose the Right Framework for iOS App Development?

Advancing technology has made hybrid frameworks powerful enough to develop a mobile app with a native-like look and feel. Startups and small companies can leverage the benefits of a thriving mobile app development domain without spending a small fortune thanks to these hybrid frameworks. Also, such apps can reduce TTM (Time to Market) significantly.

Though several robust cross-platform app development platforms are available on the market these days, only a few have succeeded in marking their presence. Flutter app development is certainly one such sector that has become a new development trend soon after its launch. Flutter framework is capable of developing cross-platform apps that can be run seamlessly across Android and iOS.
However, when it comes to iOS app development, Swift has remained a preferred language of developers globally. It is fair to mention that Flutter has provided strong competition to Swift and created a dilemma of choosing the right platform for developing iOS apps. If you also face the same situation, no need to worry. Here we are going to compare Swift and Flutter. It will certainly help you select the right framework for developing an upcoming iOS business app.
But, before comparing these frameworks, let’s have a brief introduction of them.
Original Source: iOS App Development

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